Equal Justice Phone-a-Thon
Legal Aid holds an Equal Justice “Phone-a-thon” campaign every November, which raises over $80,000 dollars annually to support our core programs.
Attorneys and representatives from businesses who support Legal Aid staff our phone banks.
Help us by volunteering to be a caller!
Your generous donation to this annual campaign helps us leverage all of our other funding and supports our vital core programs.
Working together, we make a real difference. To volunteer to staff the phones, or to donate to the Equal Justice Campaign, email the Business Manager at kweir@legalaidsc.com
Your Support Matters
Imagine a community where no one cared about social justice and human rights or protecting our vulnerable citizens.
Imagine a city where only those who could afford it had access to legal services.
That might exist if it weren’t for people like you.
If it weren’t for people like you, hundreds of low-income people in our community would not get the legal services they need.
But thanks to donors like you, we make a real difference. We invite you to support this event. And, we invite you to give generously.